The senior had decorated her cap days before graduation to say "Grads Are Here!" -- a nod to the show's cast member Paul "DJ Pauly D" Delvecchio's catchphrase, "Cabs are heeyah!"
A photo she had posted of her cap on Twitter had reached the reality television star -- known for his hair-gel, blowout and tan -- whose response was far better than anything Lane could have hoped for.
“Hey Catherine it’s your boy DJ Pauly D,” the star said in his video.
"I just wanted to congratulate you on your graduation. I see that it falls on a Jerzday so I want to make sure you celebrate and then go home and watch a brand new episode of "Jersey Shore Family Vacation."
"And keep a little bit of Pauly D positivity in your life and know that the best years are yet to come. Yeah buddy!"
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